How can working with Susan change your life?

Facing a difficult situation, Ozlem felt alone, lost in fear, unable to hear any guidance. She prayed for a channel to enter her life, and the next day, Susan got in touch.

From the first session, she received clear, actionable guidance, reassurance that she was on the right path, peace and actionable steps she could take to resolve her problem.

With her second session, she was able to heal an ancestral pattern that had created the problem she was experiencing, and heal her relationship with her deceased father, and move forward.

Her powerful, life-changing healing has brought freedom and peace.”

Before my session with Susan, I suffered from severe claustrophobia after an incident on a ship.

I also lived with anxiety about driving, and I had given up hope I would be healed.

Susan’s energy healing absolutely changed my life! My family is amazed that I am able to drive without fear and I no longer suffer from claustrophobia.

I am so grateful to Susan and I am referring everyone I know who could benefit from her energy healing. If you feel even the tiniest tug to book a session with her, do it! The investment will invite abundance in many forms into your life.

Her powerful, life-changing healing has brought freedom and peace.

~Amber Malone

“A new life started the day I met Susan…”

My life used to be surrounded by uncontrollable fears which had no real explanation in my present life. I used to be paranoid all of the time because of minor things, but most importantly, my biggest fear was being myself, especially around large groups of people. Even though just talking with Susan is very healing and inspiring, one day we did a very intense healing session. I connected with a past life where i understood EXACTLY where those fears came from. I started crying because a lot of struggles in my present life started making sense, and because I had already tried all other traditional methods of healing and none of them had worked.

After that session, my entire life was different. Obviously it wasn’t from one day to another, but over the course of the next two months my life changed completely: I’m no longer scared to be myself.


“God bless you! I feel so relieved!”

What came through for me was the incredible love. Your messages are coming through really loud and clear, and they’re very powerful.


“I believe that hope was returned to me on that day with you.”

I felt a great ease spreading like warm fragrance all around my body, spirit and mind. The voices and musical incantations took me beyond my usual heart and brain functions! The messages coming in specifically for me, and in fact my questions being answered when I couldn’t quite form them, has changed my life around completely! I felt aligned, loved and encouraged.