Healing + Channeling Session


A high waterfall pouring into a clear turquoise pool

Relax. Receive. Reset.

Choose this powerful healing session if you want to:

  • Relax into Divine Love

  • Receive healing energy and guidance from your Soul, Self and Source

  • Resolve unfinished emotional issues

Positive Effects: Envision yourself embraced by beautiful white, healing light. This purifying session is a powerful energy cleanser that helps identify and heal the source of lifelong fears, phobias, unresolved grief, self-limiting thoughts and beliefs, even physical complaints.

50-minute Healing + Channeling Session

$247 English/Español

How can you know you’re on the right path?

Listen to Susan channel the answer.

Channeling Session


Answers. Direction. Peace.

Sometimes you just want to ask the big questions about your life purpose and path.

Choose this session to feel:

• Clarity

• Peace

• Purpose

• Joy

• Emotional resolution

• Freedom

Positive Effects:  Clarifies life direction and purpose, helps make decisions, prepares you for your next steps.

50-minute Consult Your Guides Session

$247 English/Español

Channeling Session


Healing. Resolution. Love.

Choose this loving, gentle, healing package if you want to:

• Heal grief

• Resolve loss

• Answer questions

• Feel your loved one’s presence

• Know without doubt that you are always connected.

When a loved one passes away, especially if you didn’t get to say good-by, the experience can leave you traumatized and grief-stricken. You may have questions about their death or current situation, and unfinished business you want to resolve.

Sometimes, because of disability or illness, our loved ones can’t communicate with us. This also can leave you with unanswered questions and unresolved grief or even guilt.

In this gentle, loving session channeled by Susan, you will be able to communicate with your loved one. You ask your questions, and Susan receives and expresses their answer. They can tell you anything they want you to know. Together, you can process the experience of separation, hear their thoughts and feelings, and even feel as though they were sitting with you.

Positive Effects: Helps heal wounds of loss, separation, grief, sadness, guilt and fear.

PLEASE NOTE: The soul of the person with whom you wish to communicate must agree to the communication. This session cannot be used to force anyone to communicate who does not wish to do so.

50-minute Connect with a Loved One Session

$247 English/Español

Coaching Session


Growth. Guidance. Support.

Choose this session if you want:

• Clarity

• Encouragement

• Compassion

• Guidance and higher perspective.

Spiritual growth and development is a lifelong process. We all need support, insight and guidance along the way.

As a spiritual coach, Susan Rensberger helps you find your way, supports you on your path, and channels messages that offer insight beyond the usual coaching session.

Wherever you are in your process, Susan offers loving, compassionate direction based on her own lifelong journey into consciousness.

Positive Effects: Clarifies next steps, supports your growth, helps gain perspective, and lets you know you’re not alone.

50-minute Spiritual Guidance Session

$247 English/Español